80% of women and 73% of men feel unworthy, they are not enough as they are, inadequate.
Each of us has the ability within us to lower these statistics one by one.
We were each loved into existence by God. Worthiness is our innate birthright.
You are worthy just because you exist. You were given gifts no one else has or can express in the exact way you can.
We are Spiritual Beings(Soul) having a human experience. When we connect with our souls on a daily basis through prayer and meditation we remember and strengthen our connection with God, Source,Divine Being,Spirit ( any of these words describe a Power Greater than ourselves, guiding all things). As you connect in each day and follow a Spiritual Path that you feel connected to, your life becomes more divinely guided. As this happens the untrue labels you have given yourself, those others may have given,society,past generations, they start to fall away and you begin to embody your Worthiness.
You may not recognize this happening, but it is. As with anything in life, you still need to do your part. Actively start to unlearn those untrue labels. ie."I'm not smart enough,I don't have enough experience, I'm not pretty enough, I'm not fit enough,I'm too tall,too short,too fat, too skinny, I'll never amout to anything,I can't sing,dance etc,etc etc. The list of untrue labels are endless.
How do you do this? You actively start telling yourself a new story and you start to embody that new story.
Your thoughts,words,actions feelings are all energy. Energy follows energy. What you keep telling yourself and keep doing to reinforce it, is what you become. When you change the energy that you say to yourself you form new thought patterns,new grooves in your brain and as you take action towards that goal of innate worthiness that is what you become,you believe it and you live it.
New labels: "I have the ability to learn anything I want", "My experience/mistakes qualify me"," my height is not of any consequence "" My size doesn't matter, I am worthy of love" etc. etc..
Create an environment for yourself that nutures worthiness. Create a space in your home that is for prayer and meditation only. Over time that space becomes sacred.
Place items around your home,work space etc that reflect beauty, peace,joy,love . All visuals of beauty,high vibrational energy, & worthiness.
Listen to music that feeds your soul and quiets your nervous system. Heavy metal, hard rock for example on a regular basis will rattle your nervous system. And if you really are listening to the words, many of the lyrics in these music genres have very derogatory meanings that feed into your unworthiness.
Make sticky notes with positive words,thoughts,etc. And stick them around your environment where you see them several times a day. Repeat the words each time you look at them..you are creating new brain waves and grooves,which will lead to you believing and embodying your God given innate Worthiness.
Surround yourself with people who are in alignment with the new person you are becoming.
Those who support and encourage you.
Those who drain your energy, are discouraging of your hopes and dreams, take advantage of your time and heart,making you feel small and needing to hide in plain site. Unable to be your authentic self with, you need to walk on egg shells around..these are not your true friends, or people in alignment with you. This is an unbalanced relationship. If you are unable yet to let the friendship go, I suggest that you create clear boundries, limit the interactions with this person(s). Spend time with them when it is you deciding the time, place and duration. Eventually the relationship with naturally slip away.
When you show up as your Authentic Self, the right people show up in your life, the right opportunities present themselves. You are in alignment with your true self at Soul Level, life flows more easily and peacefully. And you Walk in Worthiness. You Embody Worthiness.
You then Empower Others just by being in their presence . Because your energy field is emanating Worthiness and Love.
You are a Divine Gift in the World. Don't hide in plain site. Share your gifts. Shine your light.
Be your Authentic Self -Oh beautiful one!
You are Loved!
You are Worthy!
Muktima 🧡
So well said, and so true! Thank you, Muktima for your inspiring words!